Thursday, December 19, 2013

Finals Week/Final Week

Thought I’d give a quick update about how my finals week went. Because of the nature of my class schedule, I ended up with a kind of strange finals week. I had one final on Monday night, and then the other four on Tuesday. Because they were so clustered it meant I had to study for all of them at once, and I couldn’t really spread it out.

I started studying about a week and a half in advance—some subjects a bit earlier, some a bit later. But when you only have two tests per semester, you have to cover a lot of ground each time. But before I got too deeply involved in finals, on Thursday I did get to go watch the school’s performance of Les MisĂ©rables. It was a really good, especially for a college group singing in their second language. It was really beautiful even though waiting in the cold outside for it to start was a bit taxing.
 The Friday before finals I camped out at the library until 3 a.m. Then I came back to the dorm to keep going until 6 a.m. Not my finest hours, I assure you. But don’t worry, I had some pickled radishes to help me through the studying.

That Saturday we had a farewell lunch with some of our wonderful Korean friends who helped all the new internationals out at orientation. Not all of us internationals and not all of the Korean helpers could make it, but it was really good to spend time with them again. This semester seems to have lasted forever, and yet at the same time it seems like just yesterday we arrived at Handong wide-eyed and clueless. This is the conundrum of time I guess.
I spent the rest of the day procrastinating and then eventually buckling down to study again. That evening I went to buy a few ingredients, then headed out to the faculty apartments with two lovely Chinese friends to do some baking. I ended up acquiring several baking mixes over the semester that needed to be used up, and the faculty family I work for told me I could use their oven when they were out of town that weekend.
We had a great evening baking and then sharing with others. But after we were finished it was back to the grind stone. I only lasted until 5 a.m. Saturday night, but was thankful to make it to church the next morning for my last service here. I really have come to love my church family here, and I will really miss them. What a beautiful church with beautiful people! And the worship was just what I needed for refreshment.

As you can imagine, more studying followed. I met up with two classmates for a study session and we ended up being able to take a car out into the city to find a quiet café with late night hours. We found a nice coffee shop by the ocean. It was actually a very productive evening for me, despite the repetitive Christmas music playing and the inebriated wanderers who strayed in later in the night. We stayed out until almost 3 then headed back. I got about seven hours of sleep this time which was greatly needed.

Monday night I took care of my Korean 1 final which may or may not have a good result. Then I pulled my final grueling night at the library. Tuesday came and found me taking more tests in one day than I ever have before. I feel slightly discouraged about at least two of the tests, but at least I can say they are over and I survived a very long day. Tuesday night I was able to have a really good time relaxing with a lot of good friends and good conversations—a blessed end to a very stressful finals week.

Since then I have been packing, taking care of random things, and spending time with friends as much as possible. I am not looking forward to the long trip home, but I trust God will get me through it somehow. Prayers would be appreciated! More posts to come soon.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

End of the Semester Celebration

December 6th was the evening of the I-House end of semester party. This happens every semester, apparently. I-House rents out a fancy wedding hall and everyone dresses nicely and spends an evening off campus together eating good food, enjoying performances from each other, and having general fellowship.

I was a little distraught that it was on a Friday—the same busy Friday that I had to give two presentations, but somehow I managed to pull off my classes smoothly and still have time to get ready with the help of my lovely roommates.

I was late to get on the bus so I was one of the people who got to stand for the trip, which was fine except for being in unstable shoes with heels. The wedding hall was really fancy; at least in my small town girl estimation. I felt out of place stepping onto the polished floors, but the smiles and greetings of my friends put me at my ease.

After everyone found their seats we had a time of worship, prayer, and introductory comments. We watched a video that one of the guys put together all about the happenings in the I-House community this semester. There was a lot of laughter and good conversation. About what you would expect from a tightly knit community in the mood to celebrate.

We moved onto the feasting portion of the evening with some really good food from the buffet. Definitely beat cafeteria food!

Once people were just about done eating a series of performances began where some of the students did something for the rest of us to enjoy. There was singing, dancing, and even a little magic show. As usual, it was a good time and I really enjoyed it. I may be biased, but I think that there are a lot of very talented people here at Handong.

Towards the end of the event they called everyone up to the front who was about to graduate or leave. This meant that my fellow exchange students and I gathered with the others. We were prayed over and then many hugs were exchanged as pictures were taken.

I admit, my eyes grew misty as we prayed together and I hugged all of my wonderful brothers and sisters who I have grown so fond of this semester. I have never been part of a community quite as close and uplifting as the one here in I-House. Over the past few months my every need has been taken care of through God working amongst this fellowship of people from every corner of the globe. Even though my sojourn here has been so short, I feel like I was welcomed into a big family.

I have learned so much from these people and grown in so many ways. Every shared meal, shared difficulties; every conversation or time of laughter, the prayers we exchanged… all of it has been so meaningful to me. I never imagined I would feel this way at the end of my time here. I have been blessed to know some of the brightest, most beautiful and encouraging people I have ever met. I have been so welcomed here at Handong, even though I am an awkward, kind of inept blonde girl who just showed up for one semester.

The end of the semester party filled me with thanksgiving. I am so glad I got to know these people, even though saying goodbye will be so hard. It is all worth it.

After we got back to campus I finished up the evening with even more fun picture taking and conversation. Then I stayed up until three a.m. with some of my very dear girl friends watching a move and then talking into the late night hours.

It was a perfect evening for me. I just hope that the encouragement I felt from that night will help me to endure the hardships of finals! Prayers would be appreciated as I face this difficult upcoming week. Especially pray for my trip home and the rough adjustment I will have once there.

And to all my Handong friends, both international and Korean, I love you guys! Thank you for making this the best semester I’ve yet to experience. You guys are the best.

Thanks for reading! There is still more to come, so check back later if you feel so inclined. Thanks! 

Saturday, December 7, 2013


There have been a few noteworthy events that occurred over the past couple of weeks, so I will write a little bit about some of them in short, episodic format.

November 28th was my first time to spend Thanksgiving away from home. I honestly kept forgetting that it was a holiday, but every time my friends posted about it on Facebook I did feel a little bit sad not to be at home with my family.

Thursday, however, I was invited to two different Thanksgiving meals. The first one I had to decline because of limited time, but the second one I was able to attend. All of the international faculty get together in their apartment building and have a big dinner. Everyone contributes something, and lots of the professors open up their apartment to host all the people.

As American students we were kindly welcomed into the massive throng that evening. There was a lot of good food, good company, and good conversations. It was really neat to get to know some of the professors better and hear their stories. There are some really amazing people here at Handong. It was also good to celebrate with people from such a wide variety of backgrounds. America was certainly not the only country represented there! I was really touched that they invited us into their big family and showed us such spectacular hospitality. It was a really nice evening.

Another fun event last week was the I-House bowling trip! I admit, I was hesitant to go because I have never been good at the game and I have bad memories associated with it. But I promised to go with my friends, so that evening I climbed onto another bus and headed into the city.

I will be honest, Korean bowling shoes are even worse than American ones. But apart from that discomfort, it was a really fun time. I didn’t do half as badly as I thought I would, and had a lot of fun with all the people who came out. 

We even got to taste a little bit of street food after we were done because we missed the bus and had some time to kill. Not sure why they call them fish cakes, because they are more like a noodle, but they were tasty anyway. The outing was another good study break, especially with finals looming on our horizon.

One of the most incredible, beautiful things that happened for me recently took place this past Sunday. One of my dearest and best friends here at Handong is my roommate, Noelle. She is from China, and her family is not Christian. But through her university she came to faith in Jesus and accepted Him into her life this past summer.

Throughout this semester, my roommate has become one of the closest friends I’ve had throughout all of high school/college. She is such an inspiration to me. Her heart is so soft and so kind, and she treats everybody with an unending grace. I have learned so much just by watching the way that she lives her life. I am incredibly honoured that God chose to place me in her life. She has patiently bore with me through all my difficulties and all my joys throughout this semester, and I truly treasure all of our long and late conversations, our meals together, our walks, and our shared laughter.

When Noelle was baptized this Sunday my heart was filled to bursting with joy. As I watched my sister take this step in her life, I was struck with the beauty of salvation and the incredibly way God has written everyone’s salvation story. I was also struck by a deep sense of wonder that God allows us to be part of other peoples’ stories. He allowed me to get to know my roommate, and allowed me to be with her as she proclaimed her faith in public. What an incredible honour. Such a good moment of my semester.

Handong is a really wonderful place to be able to take this kind of step, I think. There is such a closely knit family here to support and encourage you. I was really glad to be a part of this meaningful event, and I hope that I won’t stop learning from my fantastic friend Noelle any time soon.
I have not been able to write very much because things have been getting kind of hectic. I had two presentations this week, and group work every night preceding Friday. I have another presentation to go on Monday, and then the grueling process of studying for finals. Prayers would be very much appreciated as I face these tests! I am working on typing up another blog entry about the I-House end of semester celebration, so stay tuned.

As always, thank you for reading!